The DIGITAL ESTIMATOR has specialized functions which allow, by following a contour on a plan or a photo, to calculate instantaneously surface areas of any shape or form, lengths, sums of segments (partitions, curtains), angles, etc.
The DIGITAL ESTIMATOR generates a line of quantity measurement with as many operations as needed (mathematical operations, levels of brackets). This line can be modified directly from the keyboard.
The DIGITAL ESTIMATOR can be used alone or within estimating software. With a spreadsheet, the link is direct and immediate. The user can program, store and start a sequence of transfer in which it recovers the quantities, applying simple or complex calculations, and stores the results in the software and cells of his choice!
The DIGITAL ESTIMATOR is the companion of estimating software such as the GENERAL ESTIMATOR, spreadsheet or all other software in order to measure quantities with ease and effectiveness.
The seizing of points is visualized on the screen. This function is essential to verify the work done in order to avoid errors and omissions. The user can use different colors to differentiate the seized elements.
The DIGITAL ESTIMATOR can calculate with precision, in X and Y coordinates, the scales of the document on which it is working. This function makes it possible to work on plans of any scale and to rectify errors due to expansion or shrinking of documents.
The generated drawing can be enriched by shadings, text, labelling of surfaces and colour. The DIGITAL ESTIMATOR functions are accessible by the mouse via function icons that can be personalized or by a pen via a menu of functions usable with a digitizer.
The generated drawing can be stored on hard disk (formats BMP, JPEG, WMF, EMF, DXF, DGT, TIFF). This drawing can be edited for modifications or enrichment by other drawing or image editing software (Paintbrush, Photoshop). On the other hand, The DIGITAL ESTIMATORS recovers photos, scanned images or plans in DXF format.
Objects categories (openings, beams, columns) can be defined in a permanent or temporary way and the related data (height, width, prices) can be automatically transferred in another program by the "macros buttons" of the DIGITAL ESTIMATOR.
The DIGITAL ESTIMATOR allows transferring directly in another program (estimating, specifications, spreadsheet, quantity take-off) the calculated gross quantities. Furthermore, a complete set of instructions enables the user to complete the standard functions of the DIGITAL ESTIMATOR by creating "Macros buttons" where personal functions are stored, such as: transfer of certain data in another program (calculated quantities, information seized or determined by the DIGITAL ESTIMATOR), execution of a succession of functions, calculations with external variables, automatic displacements and others.
*** Table of surface areas, room by room, automatic introduction in the selected cells of a spreadsheet (EXCEL, LOTUS, The General Estimator, The Specialized Estimator, MySoft) room by room including the room's name, floor area, raised floor area, perimeter, number of doors, length of baseboards and other. .
*** RC Columns/ Beams. Calculation and transfer to EXCEL of formwork contact area, concrete volume to pour, weight of reinforcing steel of pre-determined modules from linear dimensions seized on plans.
*** Volume calculation of earthwork based on test pit levels and contour lines, volume calculation of earth removal.
Required configuration: Windows 95OSR2, 98, 2000, NT4 and XP